Paper 5
Essential notes on Systems Analysis and Design
March 28th 2001
1.1 Concept
The concept of structured methodologies is relatively simple:
A systems development methodology is basically the use of procedures, techniques, tools and documentation aids (most being computerised eg Computer Aided Systems Engineering (CASE)) to help analyse, develop and implement a new system in a particular way following a set routine.
It is estimated that there are at least 800 different registered methodologies. Only two are considered within this course:
1.2 System development life-cycle (SSADM perspective)
2.1 The method
SSADM is an example of a Structured method with emphasis on user participation. It does not cover the whole System development life cycle. It divides the development of a system into modules or phases. Each phase is decomposed into one or two stages, each stage into a series of steps, and each step into tasks. |
SSADM uses the top-down approach. A broad overview of the system is refined into progressively greater levels of detail. This makes the development of a system manageable, as detail can be specified whilst keeping the wider context in mind.
2.1.1 Benefits
By adopting a standard approach in the analysis and design stages of the development of a computerised system, SSADM
SSADM also
2.1.2 Standards used
2.1.3 Outputs
2.2 Phases
SSADM can be broken down into three phases
(1) Feasibility study (may not be included in description of SSADM)
(2) Systems analysis
(3) Systems design.
If the feasibility study is not included, SSADM can be considered to consist of two phases, comprising six stages.
2.3 Stages
Phase 1 – Systems analysis
Stage 1 Analysis of systems
operations and current problems
Stage 2 Specification of
Stage 3 Selection of technical
Phase 2 – Systems design
Stage 4 Data design
Stage 5 Process design
Stage 6 Physical design
Points to note
2.4 5-step methodology
This concentrates on five (early) stages of the life cycle of a system’s development:
2.4.1 Logical vs physical
This separation of logical and physical analysis and design is an important aspect of SSADM. The concept behind this is that the users and developers can establish the data and information requirements without being constrained by preconceived ideas about the physical design.
2.4.2 Techniques
Techniques used to establish and record the logical and physical aspects of the system include
The fact-finding stage of systems analysis is essential in order for the project team to understand the way in which the current system works. Some or all of the project team may have no direct understanding of the system in operation, as they may never have been system users. Obviously it is preferable that at least some members of the project team are experienced in its use.
3.1 Questionnaires
3.1.1 Use
Particularly where there are a large number of system users, a questionnaire may be designed to gather the opinions of users regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the system.
3.1.2 Features
A good questionnaire has the following features:
3.1.3 Advantages
Well-designed questionnaires have a number of advantages in fact finding:
3.1.4 Disadvantages
3.2 Interviews
Formal meetings to obtain information about the operation of the present systems and the requirements of any planned replacement. |
Objectives, time and venue, and authorisation should be planned.
3.2.1 Use
Face-to-face interviews are a much more personal way of gathering information about the current system, and are particularly used when there are few users or they are very senior in the organisation.
3.2.2 Advantages
3.2.3 Disadvantages
3.3 Observation
3.3.1 Use
The observation of a system in operation is, in theory, the most effective way of gathering data regarding the system.
3.3.2 Advantages
3.3.3 Disadvantages
3.4 Simulation
3.4.1 Use
The operation of the system may be simulated in a number of ways.
Simulation by model can be very expensive, and large volumes of dummy data must be used to check all aspects of the system.
3.5 Documentation
Where the current system is already computerised, one technique which can be used is a thorough review of the system documentation – desk top review. User manuals, technical manuals and forms can be analysed to give a picture of how the system works in theory. It must be recognised, however, that this technique cannot identify most of the failures in the operation of the system. Documentary review only highlights weaknesses in the system logic or programming and is only as good as the quality of the material and how up-to-date it is.
3.6 Practical issues
In most practical cases a combination of some or all of the techniques outlined above will be used. In some specialised cases, techniques may be combined, for example a questionnaire to a large group of users and a follow-up interview of specific users.
4.1 Objectives
The first stage in systems evaluation is the determination of the project objectives. These may be considered in terms of the original feasibility study (economic , technical and operational), actual achievement of output requirements (scope) and the achievement of deadlines (time). These objectives then form the standard against which the performance of the system may be assessed.
Objectives can be divided into critical success factors and performance indicators.
4.2 Performance
The information gathered about the system performance must then be analysed to determine the performance of the current system when compared with the objectives agreed.
4.3 User acceptance
It must be remembered that although a system may achieve its objectives, it is not successful unless the users have confidence in it and are happy to use it. Part of the analysis process should consider the extent to which the users accept the system
Now read: Systems Analysis and Design Tools